¶Or by woman. This is within the purvieu of this Act of 25 H.8. For the words be, if any person &c. which extend as well to a woman as to a man, and therefore if she commit Buggery with a beast, she is a person that commits Buggery with a beast, to which end this word (person) was used. And the rather, for that somewhat before the making of this Act, a great Lady had committed Buggery with a Baboon, and conceived by it, &c.
There be four sins in the holy Scripture called Clamantia Peccata, crying sins, whereof this detestable sin is one, expressed in this Distichon
Sunt vox clamorum, vox sanguinis & sodomorum
Vox oppressorum, merces detenta laborum.-- Coke, Sir Edward, The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and other Pleas of the Crown, and Criminal Causes (London: Printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, et al., Booksellers in Fleetstreet and Holborn, 1669)
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