Provisional Regulations

United States Army

Government Printing Office

  1. Title page
  2. Document number
  3. Memorandum
  4. (blank page)
  5. Preface
  6. (blank page)
Table of Contents
  1. Table of Contents
  2. Table of Contents
  1. Pars. 1-5 (General Principles)
  2. Pars. 6-9 (General Principles; Description of the Saber, etc.)
  3. Par. 10 (Definitions)
Saber Exercise on Foot
  1. Pars. 11-13 (Preliminary movements and preparatory exercises without sabers)
  2. Pars. 14-16 (Preliminary movements and preparatory exercises without sabers)
  3. Pars. 17-23 (Preliminary movements and preparatory exercises without sabers)
  4. Pars. 24-26 (Preliminary movements and preparatory exercises without sabers)
  5. Pars. 27-29 (Manual of the Saber)
  6. Pars. 30-31 (Manual of the Saber)
  7. Pars. 32-34 (Manual of the Saber)
  8. Pars. 35-39 (Manual of the Saber)
  9. Pars. 40-41 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  10. Pars. 42-43 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  11. Pars. 44-46 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  12. Pars. 47-51 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  13. Par. 52 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  14. Pars. 53-57 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  15. Pars. 58-59 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  16. Pars. 60-64 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  17. Pars. 65-66 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  18. Par. 67 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  19. Pars. 68-70 (Circles, moulinets, and simple parries, cuts, and thrusts)
  20. Pars. 71-74 (Saber exercise in two lines)
  21. Pars. 75-77 (Saber exercise in two lines)
  22. Pars. 78-79 (Saber exercise in two lines)
  23. Pars. 80-84 (Saber exercise in two lines)
  24. Pars. 85-88 (Saber exercise in two lines; Saber exercise at will)
  25. Pars. 89-92 (Saber exercise at will; Rules for saber exercise at will; Hints for instructors)
  26. Par. 93 (General principles for combat)
  27. Par. 93 (General principles for combat)
Saber Exercise, Mounted
  1. Pars. 94-97 (General Principles)
  2. Pars. 98-104 (Manual of the Saber, Mounted)
  3. Par. 105 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  4. Pars. 106-108 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  5. Par2. 109-111 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  6. Pars. 112-117 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  7. Pars. 118-119 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  8. Pars. 120-126 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted)
  9. Pars. 127-129 (Movements of Saber Exercise, mounted; Running at Heads and Exercises at Will)
  10. Pars. 130-133 (Running at Heads and Exercises at Will; Mounted Combat)
  11. Par. 133 (Mounted Combat)

Perpared for John's education in the gentlemanly art of swordsmanship.

This electronic version Copyright © 1999 Chuck Anesi all rights reserved

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