This letter of 24 August 1945 opens with the persistent complaint about not getting mail.
Next Richard mentions big doings at Santo Tomas University -- Douglas MacArthur being awarded an honorary Dr. of Laws degree. MacArthur was noted for shameless self-promotion and there is apparently some inside joke about this, along with remarks about how he would do well in Hollywood. Tempered with some words of praise, however.
There is next a discussion of swimming in the Pasig river, which was apparently possible at that time. Now it would be unwise, owing to extreme pollution. The Pasig River (Tagalog: Ilog Pasig, Spanish: Rio Pasig), technically a tidal estuary, connects Laguna de Bay to Manila Bay.
The letter has a Spanish closing: "Te quiero mi corazon con un carino de veras. Y te amo con todo mi corazon. Tu esposo que nunca te olvida."